Mary Koshko

Mary Koshko has been working in law firms since 1981 in Michigan, Missouri and Illinois as a legal assistant helping lawyers and their clients with their legal matters. Mary joined the Adler Law Firm in 1998 as a legal assistant and also serves as the firm's office manager. She assists in all phases in the management of client's matters and has extensive experience in many areas. Mary handles the accounting and other office management matters. 


Maplewoods Community College, Kansas City, Missouri

Madonna College, Livonia, Michigan
Legal Assistant Program

Holy Redeemer High School, Detroit, Michigan



The firm employs clerks to assist the staff. Some are short term, some stay for years. Most start as a part-timer. All of them, Emma, Michaela, Maggi, Terrell, Carol (to name only a few) are trained to keep confidential all matters which they come in contact with. They are trained so that if one af the clerks encounters a client whom they do not otherwise know in a public place, they are not to show recognition of the client until and unless the client says hello first; this is in case the client does not want others who may see the encounter to know (possibly) that the client is seeing a lawyer.